FAQ (Preguntas Frecuentes)💫
- Tienen tienda en fisíca? Do you have a store? Es tienda en linea (online store).Aunque si vives local tambien manejamos puntos de venta y opción de recoger ordenes en persona. However, if you are local you can visit us in our point of sale stores or you also have the option for in-person local pickup.
- Se hace fea la joyeria? Does your jewelry tarnish? Si la cuidas te durará por años🙌🏻 if you take care of your jewelry, it will last years. Para detalles en como cuidarla contactanos por email. For further details in how to take care of your jewelry, send us a email: info@unikcreations.com
- Manejan envios? Do you handle shipping? Si se manejan USPS en USA y en México por Estafeta. Yes, we handle shipping in the US by USPS.
- Preguntas? Questions? Mandanos un email para cualquier duda💫👌🏻 Send us a email for any further questions: info@unikcreations.com